Familia de Sangre

The four California bleeding disorders organizations invite you and your family to join us for the 8th Annual Familia de Sangre, a two-day conference on blood disorders with all programming presented in Spanish.
Educational sessions and networking opportunities covering healthcare, education, mental health and support services
Las cuatro fundaciones de trastornos sanguíneos de California lo invitan cordialmente a usted y a su familia a la 8ta conferencia anual, Familia de Sangre, una conferencia de dos días sobre desórdenes sanguíneos con toda la programación presentada en español.
Sesiones educativas y oportunidades de networking que cubrirán asistencia médica, educación, salud mental y servicios de apoyo.
September 5-7, 2025 | 5-7 de septiembre de 2025
Anaheim Marriott
700 W Convention Way
Anaheim, CA 92802
Registration for Familia de Sangre will open in 2025
Join us at the largest all Spanish speaking bleeding disorders conference in the nation. Register before June 30th for Early Bird pricing.
Familia de Sangre is the largest bleeding disorders conference completely in Spanish. The conference will take place September 5-7 at the Anaheim Marriott in Anaheim, CA.
Acompáñenos en la conferencia sobre trastornos hemorrágicos de habla hispana más grande del país. Regístrese antes del 30 de junio para precios “Early Bird.”
Familia de Sangre es la conferencia más grande sobre trastornos sanguíneos completamente en español. La conferencia será del 5 al 7 de septiembre en el Anaheim Marriott en Anaheim, CA.
CLICK HERE if you are interested in joining Familia de Sangre’s email list.
The Hemophilia Association of San Diego County will be providing limited local scholarships for this year’s Familia de Sangre Conference. Submitting a scholarship application through the Hemophilia Association of San Diego County DOES NOT guarantee acceptance. As scholarship funding is limited, applications will be reviewed by HASDC and acceptance will be dependent on the order the application is received and that ALL required fields are complete, accurate, and submitted. Priority will be given to FIRST TIME attendees.
Must live in San Diego or Imperial Counties, have someone in your immediate family with a diagnosed bleeding disorder and currently be in HASDC’s database.
Application submission will open in 2025